What is included in this package:
What others have said:

Hayley Saunders, WA "Not only have I seen great results in dropping weight and fat, but my lifestyle has changed dramatically. I no longer obsess over food, my stress levels are way down and I've learnt what works for my body and my lifestyle. I have Jess to thank for my new balance"

Wendy Peirson, NSW- Jess changed my whole mindset around food. I had been counting calories for years and years and the less I ate, the more weight I gained. I was lost, sick and tired until a friend recommended Jess' coaching program. Jessica helped me learn what is in the food I was eating so I learnt about what nutrients best support my health and hormones. After 6 months I am eating more than ever, I feel great and I have lost 8.3kgs, with less exercise... I am actually still in shock!

Raylene Tapper, WA- Jess' love of helping others with her knowledge of the right foods is an amazing gift. The love and support Jess has given me from the second I met her was second to none and she has really helped me transform my life. Forever grateful.

Sarah King, WA "During this program I experienced Better sleep, more energy, improved digestion and better mindset. I have a Better understanding of how my body reacts to different nutrition concepts such as bulk/cut, but also how to plan for myself and my goals. I decreased in body fat and increased in muscle mass. I have also noticed a huge change in mindset, not stressing so much if I have a meal out or weekend away. Making healthier relaxed choices means I have noticed how my body reacts to this change, reduced stress means less digestive upset/bloating. I have learnt so much during this program. The educational lives and info emails are invaluable. Having them to refer back to keep me motivated. Jess’ enthusiasm and passion for all that she does is infectious.